June 19, 2011

Painted Daisy

I'm fairly certain that these are Painted Daisies also known as Chrysanthemums of the family Asteraceae. But I can't nail the species... are they coccineum, carinatum, both or neither?

Postscript: The only thing I got right is the family name. Beautiful bloggers have properly informed me that these are Gaillardia, commonly called Blanket Flower. Lesson: Don't be certain about things you know you know nothing about!

Whatever they are, these daisies blanket flowers I found in a Bucharest park sure are delightful eye candy! 

 [glorious details better seen enlarged]

(Note: If any of the meme hosts object to multiple linking, don't be shy to let me know. I do make best efforts to visit other bloggers linked to each meme.)


  1. love your shots! the red daisy is very pretty, we don't usually see it here.

  2. Irrespective of the classification, they are beautiful and very well photographed.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  3. Fantastic captures of the flowers in the fields.

  4. I love enlarging your photos, Francisca. They are always a feast for the eyes.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. Some of my very favorite flowers! Beautiful!

  6. Hi again,
    Just saw your comment...no the photo isn't photoshopped. I have been fascinated by reflections in raindrops for awhile. My macro lets me photograph them more easily. Photoshop can do great things, but God is much, much, more creative! (-:

  7. They are very beautiful, doesn´t matter what´s the name :)

  8. Beautifully bright and eye-catching and delightful in close-up.

  9. I for one don't mind multiple linking Francisca. I'm only too happy for you to include us and to share these lovely photographs. Thank you very much.

  10. This is the first time I have read, "So where exactly IS home?" What an amazing life you've lead so far Francisca, and will continue to lead. I don't get here as often as I would like, but I have always enjoyed the world through your photography. I'm also very happy you have found a soul-mate to travel it with.

  11. Hi Francisca, I think that flower is called Gaillardia, or common name Blanket Flower. but...I could be mistaken! your photos are lovely as usual. thanks for stopping by my place too, I truly appreciate your kind words of support. we are kindred spirits I believe.

  12. Beautiful flowers, the colors are so bright and cheerful.

    I agree with Ms. Becky, the flowers are definitely Gaillardia or Blanket flowers, I have them in my garden. Gaillardia are members of the sunflower family.

    Your photos are gorgeous.

  13. Wonderful daisy flowers. Love the color combination.

  14. Gorgeous colors in these images.

    Happy Macro Monday.

  15. Wow, those colours are stunning! I don't know much about them so I can't help you at all! Sorry.

    Best wishes for a happy week,

  16. They are beautiful flowers and I love the colors. Gorgeous mosaic. I wish you a great week ahead.

  17. The gallardias are stunning and full of warm colour! Your mosaic is all glowy and beautiful.some of my favourite colours...igh



  18. Lovely flowers and they have a lovely name as well :)

  19. ...and here all this time I've been calling them Gazania. We have them growing wild around the sand dunes on the island. Go figure....a lesson learned for the both of us.

    Macro Crystals is my link for Monday. I do hope to see you visit if you have time.

    Happy day to you.

  20. I'm not at all good remembering flowernames, but I'm very good to enjoy their beautyness :-D
    Have a great week!

  21. I'm also big fan of this flower, your pictures are wonderful!

  22. I LOVE Gaillardia, Francisca. They aren't indigenous to my part of Ontario but they are west of here near Windsor, so every once in a while a field of them is filled here with garden escapees. :))

  23. Same here if I happen to see this I would immediately jump to a conclusion that this is daisy. For sure every flower has it's own name but some belongs to the same family, just like us people ^_^ Happy Monday!

    Asian lilies

  24. Lovely pictures...the flowers are so colorful.

  25. These are stunningly beautiful with they combination colors. Beautiful shots. Genie

  26. I always think I don't like daisies as well as other flowers, then I see something like this. They are delightful!

  27. Very different, but lovely beauty - my favorite is the red daisy/gairddia!

  28. I think I'd call them quilt flowers not blanket flowers...'cause they'd look better on a quilt than a blanket...

    They also look much like some flowers I saw in Colorado. But those were, I believe, black-eyed susans.

    Nice to hear from you! And no, that mobile home was not ours. Not my way to travel.

    So, what's wrong with Brad?

  29. The blanket daisies are indeed beautiful and colorful! The blogging world is so wonderfully informative .. and you have a wonderful blog! I became a follower.

  30. I have no idea about the species but they surely look gorgeous and so is your mosaic, Francisca.

  31. I love those shots Francisca. But i am most envious with your visit to Count Drakula's castle, haha! You seem to be staying out from the country for so long, but i am thankful you are informing us a lot about the places you visit. You said you are about to come home, welcome back! The country is missing you!

  32. I love all the varied color combos
    they're lovely

  33. never mind the name, they are lovely!


  34. I saw some of these recently -- thanks for identifying them. Great pics.

  35. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful pics.. love your blog and bookmark so please update and add some more pics...Thanks again.
    helmet stickers

  36. Gorgeous!
    My first time here and I am so glad... absolutely stunning!

  37. Indeed they are beautiful. The colours are so pretty. I am not good on flowers. Daisy seemed very reasonable to me! (Shows how little I know!)

  38. isn't great or fabulous? Oh well, I believe it's awesome...

  39. Lovely rich vibrant colours. Nicely photographed. Daves photo views

  40. I've seen those flowers places where we've been, but didn't know their name. Blogging a plant or bird that you don't know is a great way to learn!

    Your pictures are terrific!


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