May 29, 2011

Truss Railway Bridge

This photo of a truss railway bridge in the Romanian countryside I took some weeks ago before spring came to color our world green is for Scenic Sunday and Sunday Bridges. [Enlarge for better view of bridge.]

Romania, 2011


  1. A nice view of the countryside. You can see it transitioning from gold to green.

  2. Beautiful picture. - Thanks for the hint - meme-action - but I cannot change this, because it´s written in inlinkz, but for the next one I know! :) LG Tina

  3. The colours are wonderful, more like autumn though. Have a great Sunday!

  4. Beautiful photo, Francisca. I love trains and I love bridges.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. Lovely image Francisca, the golden grass in the foreground makes for a wonderful shot but I like the bridge as a focal point. Lovely all round!

  6. Iom surprised to see that part of Romania looks like a prairie. For some reason I had the idea that Romania is all mountainous!

  7. this bridge really blends in with the surroundings.

  8. It must be quite a different view now. Lovely how you can see the gradation! Happy sunday :D

  9. The bridge sits nicely, fairly unobtrusive in that lovely open countryside. Those glowing grassess look like flames.

  10. looked as autumn to me, lots of nice colors and the sun shines beautifully

  11. is that wheat ripening? What a glorious gold color.

  12. Love the different 'layers' in this shot.

  13. This is such a beautiful photo, Francisca!

    Thanks for the comment on my Trivia post. Piano players in whore houses got paid for their playing. Artists seem to always be struggling. That's why the piano player garnered more respect--money talks!!

  14. This really does need to be embiggened to see how nice it is. And I think it is an area very similar to what one finds in some of our western states.

  15. Me again. Thanks for your nice comments today. Re your remark about the round house: I'm not sure how a round house would affect a person not used to such, but at least my wife would no longer be able to corner me to do the chores! :-)

  16. Beautiful golden and shimmery -- if that is late Winter/early spring, then Spring/Summer must be fantastic.

  17. Beautiful enlarged...the coloring is superb!

  18. Beautiful countryside and bridge and it is best viewed large for the wonderful detail.

  19. I find this meme so interesting because this way you get glimpses of foreign countries where you never have been before.Have a great new week!

  20. Your composition of this shot is really awesome. Nice bridge.

  21. Excellent, Francisca!

    «Louis» appreciates your weekly contribution to Sunday Bridges. He regrets that he is so busy on the weekends he rarely has time to comment.

  22. love the effect that the golden grass brought to the snap

    Here's my scenic scene entry for this week, hope you check it out too.
    I Love Darly!
    Food and Passion


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