May 18, 2011

R is for Renovator

Bucharest, the capital of Romania, boasts an eclectic range of grand architecture, which, coupled with a sophisticated urban culture during the 1920s and 30s, earned the city the nickname "Little Paris." 

From the beginning of WWII and the subsequent internal political upheavals up to the 1989 Revolution that ended a rogue regime little was spent on building maintenance, with the sad inevitable result that many buildings have felt the pain of neglect, run down or ramshackled.

As the economy generally improved over the past two decades, and as I've written here before, the city is getting a facelift. Many old mansions and buildings have been, or are in process of being, renovated.

The renovator, then, could be considered a modern day hero...

...especially when the job may require the additional skills of a rock climber! You'll have to enlarge this image to see this renovator hanging outside the last window on the right on the seventh floor.

Bucharest, 2011

And R is the letter at ABC Wednesday today.


  1. LOTS of strong R words in your post - Romaniam, regime, revolution, renovated. Very informative.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Great subject for "R". When I was in 5th grade a boy from Bucharest joined our class and we became friends. He told me how terrible the conditions were there and how wonderful things seemed in the U.S.A. He described Bucharest in a way that made it seem like a hell hole. That was during the communist era but now It sounds like a very interesting place. I bet my friend would be happy to see Bucharest now. I'd like to go there myself. :)

  3. What a wonderful knowledgeable insight. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Denise ABC Team

  4. Oooh, I wouldn't want that job, Francisca! But it's wonderful to know the city is getting a facelift.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. it must be an amazing place these days...I hope you post more photos! I'm so curious...

  6. So glad renovation is going on. Revitialization is good for everyone. Very interesting post.

  7. The renovator looks like he's rappelling down the front of the building.

  8. Great post and great R words for the day as always, Francisca! Always enjoy the history and it's good to know that renovations are being made! Too lovely a place to be lost! Hope you're having a great week!

    ABC Team

  9. Excellent R post. They have a lot of work ahead but I'm sure the EU is helping along.

  10. That's one thing I LOVE about Europe...they cherish, keep, and continue to use the wonderful buildings from in America, all they can think of these days is to tear the old down and build the ugly stuff. LOL

    Beach...catcus blossom

    Have a grand day!

  11. I'm sure they have a lot of catching up to do. I hope there are enough skilled labourers for the job.

  12. Thanks for the informtive post. I know so little about Romania. It's great that those grand old buildings are renovated, although I wouldn't want to do the job of that man hanging on the building. I have a fear of heights.

  13. It's a hard work and difficult!

  14. Oh my goodness! Maybe I could just be the person on the ground with the blueprints? ;D

  15. Romania has wonderful architecture! Wouldn't want to be the renovator at the top though! Great pics!

  16. My eldest son would love to be up there renovating at altitude :)

  17. I'm so glad Bucharest is being renovated! What a shame to allow a beautiful city to fall apart!

  18. This is a place I have not visited and the architecture looks gorgeous. It's good to know they are renovating many buildings and sites.

  19. There is not enough money in the world to entice me to do this kind of work, but I'm glad that there are people willing (and brave enough) to do it...

    It's important, I think, to restore these old treasures, to their former grandeur!

  20. Oi, I sure hope he knows what he is doing!
    Great shots.

  21. I am constantly amazed at how beautiful the world is through your pictures!!


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