May 26, 2011

F is for Fashionista

From the Urban Dictionary: ..."Fashionistas" simply look at Fashion as an Art, their own bodies as the canvas, and the sense of style they develop along the way is simply the masterpiece.

What teenage girl these days is not a fashionista?

These girls in a small nameless town less than an hour's drive north of Bucharest posed for my camera this afternoon. A universal scene. Suweeet.

This is my post for Alphabe-Thursday.


  1. looks like they already formed their own style

    have a great day.

  2. Hi Francisca, what a great picture and a great title.

  3. Aren't they cute? Love those hot pink shoes!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. I have two granddaughter "fashionistas" that dress quite similarly although a half world away!

  5. I don't think I was ever a fashion icon.

  6. Cute. Each one found a different way to pose.

  7. Oh no, don't get me started on fashionistas...

  8. I must say, they look more or less the same everywhere! Globalization:)

  9. Nice portrait. Not so much different from girls of the same age everywhere...

  10. I love how they posed for the camera!

  11. Could be on any street corner anywhere..

    they are so sweet!

  12. Ah to be thin enough to be a fashionista!

  13. Universal indeed! Just wished my younger granddaughter a happy 15th b-d! She could be posing there and look about the same. Suweet indeed !

  14. Hmmm! Those gals on the left look a little jealous!!

    I posted my "F" post late, but it is up now. Check it out!!

  15. I remember those days--when you cared what you looked like! LOL

  16. What a fantastic foto!

    This is such a timeless and boundary-less subject matter.

    Girls are girls the world over, aren't they?

    What fun!

    Thanks for linking and thanks for the smile.



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