March 19, 2011

National Bank of Romania Reflected

 Bucharest, 2011

Besides the architecture, lines, and reflection of old in new, what I like about this image is the bright hues in the reflection contrasted with the dull shaded light of the bank building. 

Linking with James' Weekend Reflections.


  1. Wow, that's beautiful. Wonder how much Rumania has changed after they were freed (I visited during the communistic period)

  2. Terrific as always, Francisca! Love the contrast in colors and, as you've written, the old and the new! All of that and lovely skies as well! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. Hi Francisca!
    Love this photo! The old reflected in the new. Hope you have a great weekend!
    Patrick Tillett, Extremely Overdue

  4. Wow beautiful architecture and reflection.
    Happy weekend Francisca.

  5. Ooh I like everything about this photo and don't even think the façade is dull!

  6. A reflection of the old in the new is fantastic - it is hard to imagine a modern Bucharest developing in
    the way New York has developed integrating the
    solid looking, and the light weight of architecture.

  7. what's the glass curved building?

    Can't have a bank made of glass LOL

    Last night, i watch the Octopus man from Philippines. I am always interested in Siamese twins.

  8. The shed like shape is interesting - gives a peek of other buildings behind it. I also like that it is only the top portion that is all glass so that on street level it (possibly) fits in with its surroundings better than a glass facade would.

  9. Love the colors and the reflection. It seems a marvelous City.

  10. Fabulous reflection!
    Love the mix of the old architecture and new architecture.
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a nice and happy weekend****

  11. Built nicely to reflect the older building. Great image.

  12. Nice juxtaposition of the old and the new!!!

  13. The reflection is stunning. Wonderful shot. And I like the difference between old and new.

  14. Wow, that's a show stopper! Applause, applause for such beauty!

  15. Beautiful reflection! I wonder if they built that building with the reflection of the bank building in mind? Fabulous angle, Fransisca :-D


  16. I like the reflection... and the reflected!

  17. Stunning composition ! I love the perspective on those building ; nicely done !


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