February 11, 2011

[SkyWatch] Wires in the Smoggy Sky

Kaiping, 2011

Two different evenings in Kaiping County, China. Go explore all the wonderful skies around the globe @ SkyWatch Friday.


  1. Smog is great for sunsets! Not for our lungs, for sure, but wonderful for colourful skies when the sun rises and sets. :)

  2. I agree with EG! The other interesting thing about your terrific captures is the high tech/wires/etc that are pretty much responsible for the enhanced beauty of the skies as well as being a detriment to the environment. But how much we would be missing without it! Hope you have a great weekend, Francisca!


  3. I really like the second photo a LOT! The towers and lines frame the sinking sun SO beautifully! Unfortunately, the smog creates dramatic colors...just don't breathe in too deeply! I live in Los Angeles so I know about SMOG!

  4. Your composition is fabulous in these but especially the second one!

  5. I agree!! I remember a joke about smog, it says, if you are in one of the city of California, go outside early in the morning you see smog all over the city, well they said it's because all the asians are cooking rice, hehehe!! Joke of the day!
    I like how you capture well the color of the sun or moon? Happy Friday!
    Sky Watch Friday

  6. Really astonishing this pictures, I like both very much, the first especially with the birds on the wires.
    Have a good day

  7. Pylons are ugly structures, but even they can be beautiful against the right sky! Very atmospheric photographs!

  8. Fabulous photos, especially the second one! Wow, I'm impressed!
    Have a nice weekend:)

  9. interesting photo with the transmission lines..the sun looks like they were blazing! have a nice weekend!

  10. Lovely shots, and I agree with everyone else, the compostion and contrasts are great.

  11. These are two impressive shots composed so beautifully. I like the fist one with it simplicity...and the little birds on the wires. The seasoned one is great, too. So much to study and think about. The clincher is that gorgeous moon. Kudos for a fabulous twosome of photography

  12. Lovely. I like the composition in the 2nd photo a lot.

  13. i love the mood of these photos. such perfect ball of fire. the second photo is my favorite.

  14. Interesting photos. It was smoggy but the sun shone so brightly, so round and perfectly glowing.

  15. Shame for the smog but hey, good photo opportunities. I prefer the second one.

  16. The birds in the wires are an audience to the beautiful skies.

    The golden moon is so captivating!

  17. Beautiful shots! Sorry have been absent, thanks for all your comments. Have a super weekend!

  18. Birds always sit on the wires, they have a good view and can swing a bit, I suppose. Nice photo's.

  19. Smoggy skies give a beautiful glow.


  20. Amazing but sad photos.

    I grew up in near Los Angeles California in the 1970's and the smog was so bad sometimes that we were not allowed to leave the classroom for recess. I remember itchy, teary eyes,asthma and chest pains but This looks way worse.

  21. When forest fires were raging here several years ago, our days looked like that!
    Thanks for the comment on my post. We had many tarantulas in our yard when we first moved in, but I haven't seen one in years. They are really quite gentle, and their bite is not as dangerous as the sting of scorpions, which can make one quite ill.

  22. You make even the smog look good!

  23. Gorgeous shots!

    Hope you can come and take a look at my Skywatch post. Have a great weekend.

  24. Terrific images, Francisca! WOW!

  25. Very pretty! That smog really does kick up the colors a notch!

  26. Fabulous shots!
    Love the second one! Looks like a big ball bouncing on the wires!

    Have a happy weekend****

  27. In Oregon hey used to burn grass seed fields every August -- the smoke/smog created the most beautiful sunsets. Not good for breathing, but spectacular.

  28. Beautiful sky shots. Just noticed your question on my bridge photo last week. I believe this type of bridge is called a side-spar cable-stayed bridge. The lights have been installed on the side-spar. There is also a street lamp behind it with a couple of resting pigeons on it.

  29. Wow, the smog has created a beautiful sunset. Love the birds on the wires and the sun in the second shot is awesome.

  30. I like the second one especially. The disk of the sun is just right and the patterns are great, especially when you enlarge it.

  31. A couple of great shots, I won't swear on the purity of that air, but the effect is simply gorgeous!


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