February 17, 2011

S is for Statue

This unnamed statue I photographed from two angles in the beautiful ruins of the ancient city of Pompeii is my contribution to Jenny's Alphabe-Thursday where the letter of the week is S.

Pompeii, 2009


  1. He looks ready to leave and escape the lava.

  2. I enlarged both photos, Francisca, and in each of them he looks as if he's about to leap down! Too bad we don't know who he is.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. I love those pictures! I didn't get the opportunity to go to Pompeii when I was in Italy - glad I could experience a small piece through your blog!

    JoAnn @ Stitches and Thyme

  4. This pictures are so great. love your blog!

  5. SAD knowing what happened there...
    SWEET that you shared this :)

  6. Gorgeous framing of the unknown statue. Simply stunning.

  7. So glad you posted pics od this statue. I found Pompeii so interesting and their plight was so hopeless. Your blog is so full of interesring places so I'm a new friend and follower. I love to travel.

  8. Although I've been to Italy many times, I've never been to Pompeii. Your photos tell me that my mental images have been wrong, wrong, wrong. Now I definitely have to go.

  9. Very interesting! Between you and tapirgal, I'm getting a world tour!

  10. Beautiful statue - it looks newer than its surroundings.

  11. Pompeii is zo mooi, je verbaast je over wat de Romeinen allemaal al hadden en dat dat ook weer helemaal verdwenen is.

  12. Fantastic statue, mine pales in comparison.


  13. I remember them. Now I have to look at my pics and try to find them. :-) Wonderful compositions.

  14. It must be an amazing place, Pompeii.

    Thanks for alerting me to the bad link. I fixed it to read

  15. Thaks for the great pictures! A slice of history, for sure!

  16. Captures the imagination. Wonderful!


  17. Beautiful! You had fewer clouds than we did, or else you got a sun break.

  18. I am ashamed: I have never been there!

  19. Beautiful ruins. I went to a Parochial grade school and one of the few movies we were ever allowed to watch in class was the 'Last Days of Pompei'... I guess there was supposed to be a moral in there somewhere, but all I got from it was the wish that I could go see what was left of it! Thanks for showing me.

  20. Lovely photos...

    I would so love to visit there sometime...

  21. Fantastic photos, you have really captured the mood and atmosphere there!

  22. Super photos! I love seeing the world through your blog. :)

  23. the statue looks like he wants to run from what's coming ... what an interesting city ... it must have been amazing to walk through those streets

  24. Beautiful! I would love to see some more of that trip.

  25. The story of Pompeii is so fascinating and gives us such an insight into a Roman town. It's amazing that it has been preserved so well. Your statue fits in perfectly.

  26. What a fascinating stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "S".

    Pompei has always been one of the places I've wanted to visit.

    Is there a good time to go?

    Did you love your time there?

    Thanks for such a super link this week.



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