January 1, 2011

Love Is All We Need

We brought in the New Year with precious friends... and I share the sentiments around their pool.

Manila, 2010-2011

May the New Year bring you all your heart's desires, and then some.

Linking with James' Weekend Reflections


  1. a lovely sentiment to start the new year.

  2. Happy New Year Francisca.

    In the 2nd pic, I like how it reads We Need, Me Need :)....

  3. Wishing you a Happy New Year -that we may produce some great posts in 2011:)

  4. Wow! How did they do that? What great words to welcom the new year!

    Hope your new year is filled with love and laughter :-D

  5. Well, it may not be ALL we need, but it sure as hell helps with the rest!

    Thanks for your good wishes, and we wish you the very best of everything for 2011!

  6. Hyvvä uuta vuotta vaan kaikille. Minun blogissa kannattaa käydä katsomassa viime vuoden tramaattisemman kuvasarajan " Neitoperhosen surma" Misään muussa blogissa ei ole moista hämähäkin metsästys sarjaa näkynyt.

    Teuvo Finland

  7. I'm glad you ushered the new year with good company. Love is indeed all there is, if we open up enough to find it.


  8. A lovely image, it's easy to agree with your title...
    Happy New Year!

  9. Well that's a really cool idea! Great shots, too! =)

    Happy Happy New Year! =)

  10. Lovely thought, lovely lights, lovely reflection, brought to us in two of Francisca's lovely photos.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  11. Love is nice but don't forget about the bread and the shirt and the roof.

  12. Lovely thoughts and reflections. I'm just glad 2011 is easier to type than 2010! Also, I wonder when we will start calling the decade the Teens? Or Preteens? Here we never fixed on a name for the 00 decade. How about in the Philippines or various places you've been. Any name for either decade? As a "Child of the 60s," I kind of enjoy having a designation for the era!

  13. Perfect words for bringing in the New Year! A wish you all the best in 2011, Francisca! It has been a pleasure visiting your blog and getting to know you a little bit.

  14. Isn't that the truth?! Looks like a great evening too. I wish you the best in 2011 and I continue to look forward to sharing it with you.

  15. Happy New Year 2011 and greetings from Argentina :)

  16. This is wonderful! Happy 2011, Francisca!

  17. Happy New Year Francisca,
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

    Cheers and regards.

  18. Very interesting blog ... full of interesting photos ... great work Heppy New Year :))


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