December 29, 2010

X is for Xintan Drum Tower

This pretty drum tower is in Xintan Village, an ethnic minority Dong village in the mountain province of Guizhou in China. 

 Guizhou, 2006

This is linked with Denise's ABC Wednesday, where the letter of the week is X.


  1. That is certainly interesting architecture. Great photo - hope you have a wonderful new year! :D

  2. This lovely little tower should meet up with a Norwegian stavkirke.

  3. Ah, but you have it easier than most today with all those Chinese names beginning with X.
    Nice to see a drum tower instead of a bell tower.

  4. Ciao Francisca, many wishes for a happy 2011 to you and your family!

  5. Nifty building.
    It's interesting how some languages, Anglized Chinese, native Mexican, and Latin, there are PLENTY of X words. But I imagine other letters are trickier!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. Lovely building and architecture and a great one for the X Day, Francisca! Hope your week is going well! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!! Enjoy!


  7. Lovely structure and looks like a temple tower. Very interesting and a unique post here today for the X-word.

    Have a great day Francisca and all good wishes for the New Year!!

    My 'X' is HERE

  8. The detail in that building is amazing!

  9. It's very attractive. Now, if I knew what a drum tower was ... okay, it has something to do with drums. I know that!

    Sounds like you've been having a good time!

  10. What an interesting building! Do you have any photos of the inside? Would love to see :-)

  11. Wow, I'd never have guessed China.


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