December 13, 2010

Red Flowers

Quezon, 2010

I saw this cluster of unusual (to me) deep red flowers on the roadside in Quezon province, Philippines, this weekend. Can you tell me what it is?

PS. Thanks to EG Wow and Andrea: cockscomb or celosia cristata.

Linking with Today's Flower, where many more gorgeous blossoms can be found.


  1. Really pretty. Were they growing wild? They look like cockscomb to me but I have never seen them grow this tall so probably they are some other kind of flower, perhaps a type of amaranth.

  2. I have no clue! I love the deep red color though...

  3. No clue from me either, but, I do know I love that deep red! Nice!

  4. I think I've seen this flower, or maybe a relation, around my house...but I don't have the name either. The deep red and green colors are fabulous :-D

  5. Buongiorno Francisca, the flower is really beautiful but I can not help you, his name is unknown to me!

  6. Gorgeous colour - I wonder if they have a wonderful scent too.

  7. Hi Francisca
    Wonderful your post for TODAY'S FLOWERS!
    Wish to see you always in TF!
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    If you want to be our Guest Friend, send me some takes about flowers and I post on TF!!
    If you want!!!


  8. Hi Francisca, am a bit late for this post. This is cock's comb or Celosia species, as in Celosia gigantea if they are big. There are those which are really much much bigger than that one. Can you visualize it looking like a cock's comb?

  9. Of course! It's the Deep Red Filipino Wild Flower. Sheesh!

    Thanks for your comment on Colorado. And we should arrive at your place on Sunday night. OK?

    Nah! I was just kidding. I can dream, though, can't I?

  10. Parecem crista de galo! Quando eu era pequena, minha mãe cultivava muitos canteiros desta flor, e era alta assim.


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