November 15, 2010

Holding Up the Sky

Kyoto, 2009

We were temple-hopping on foot in Kyoto and along the way I saw and snapped this golden sculpture. I now wish I'd stopped a bit longer to consider a better angle to take the photo, but still I think it is quite an imposing piece of public art. I also didn't get any information about it, so if anyone can fill us in, that would be super.

PS. Thanks to fellow blogger VP from Livorno Daily Photo for this link to some information about this sculpture.

Perhaps the folks at Mellow Yellow Monday would enjoy this. You'll find many links to blogs offering creative takes on mellow yellow.


  1. Very mellow gold color. Interesting statue. I like your interpretation, holding up the sky.
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Whow... that's one beautiful sculpture. A man with both hands facing the sky.. He's kneeling on what? What is it, exactly? Hehe.. so sorry. Full of questions..

    Here's mine. Hope you could visit.. =)

  3. that is very artistic sculpture. I love to take also street sculpture.

    Lifemoto MYM

  4. Dear Francisca,
    You have won the title-guessing contest. Please either leave your email or a snail-mail-address in a comment, so that I can mail you your prize, a beaded stretch bracelet, that I have designed and made myself.

    I still have total comment moderation and will delete your comment, so no one will see you address.
    Best wishes,

    The Winner is Francisca!

  5. Try this link. The one that I have posted above does not seem to work:

    The Winner is Francisca!

    Best wishes,

  6. I like this sculpture very much - and will try to remember the words: an imposing piece of public art - thanks for that, too ;-)
    Have a great week!

  7. Wow, look at those hands! I think I'd pull a muscle trying to copy that pose! ;-D

  8. Powerful! Great shot, Francisca.

  9. What an interesting sculpture. Great shot!

    Erika B

  10. Hi Francisca,
    Thank you for sharing. I did not know this sculpture. This is funny and I like how you captured.
    Yoshi in Japan

  11. fantastic photo and sculpture!
    I've been all over most of Kyoto, but somehow I missed this!

  12. A beautiful sculpture. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I hit the post button too soon. Meant to add that I read through all the comments to see if anyone came through with more explanation. Guess not. Regardless of the explanation (if any) is is beautiful to look at.

  14. Unique and interesting sculpture!

    Adin B

  15. Bonsoir!
    Superbe photo!!Bravo!!
    AmitiƩs de France:CLAIRE


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