November 28, 2010

Bridges in Budapest

Two old photos from my archives of bridges over the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary, for Louis' Sunday Bridges

  Budapest, 2003


  1. The river is really wide - such long bridges in a city would be unusual here in UK.

  2. hee hee... Did you (ahem) waltz across the Blue Danube? Be that as it may, «Louis» appreciates your contribution to Sunday Bridges!

  3. So many bridges you have seen in your life - small and big ;-)
    But living too around the world gives extra...
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow. I can't even imagine having a city with a river big enough for barges.

  5. I come from a place of many bridges, as you know, but these are indeed lovely. And the two different skies, Francisca - one so blue and one with that beautiful pink! Great stuff!
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. A good overview of the city and the river. It does seem hard to imagine having such a wide river bisecting one city.

  7. Beautiful bridges and it looks like a beautiful city, too. I hope to go someday.

  8. That first one is really a long bridge! They both have beautiful scenery surrounding them!

  9. Your photos are "postcard-perfect"!

  10. Two photos of postcard quality! Love the light in each of them.

  11. Budapest is a place I would LOVE to see in person!

  12. I don't know where you were but I haven't seen Budapest from the perspective shown in the bottom pic.

  13. Lovely colours in the 2nd photo - love the light too.


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