October 4, 2010

Yellow Pulleys

This mix of bird breeds sitting cozily together on the dock railings and equipment among these big yellow pulleys caught my fancy. I took the photo from the ferry as we were landing at the Horseshoe Bay terminal. The day was ready to fade into darkness.

Vancouver, BC, 2010

More links to fun takes on YELLOW at Mellow Yellow.


  1. i wonder what they were talking about:) nice shot! have a good week!

  2. Oh, wonderful, Francisca! You were coming back from the Sunshine Coast, I'll bet.
    I've always loved visiting Horseshoe Bay, and taking a ferry from there to somewhere.
    -- K

  3. Visiting from Yellow Monday! I love Horseshoe Bay especially the ferry rides. Lucky girl!


  4. I also like that mellow yellow, and of course the seagulls. Re: Jacob's post and several others - why are skies over Asia not that blue? I can't understand it.

  5. Interesting contrast between the pulleys and the birds.

    Re your comment about the draw bridges in California - there are many of them along the Sacramento River. If one wants to take a leisurely drive from the Bay Area to Sacramento, Highway 160, which follows the river is the ticket. Many orchards abut the river. You'll see the town of Locke, founded in the 1800s by Chinese laborers who came to build the railroads, and you'll see a much slower pace of life than the hurried urban pace of the Bay Area.

    There are two drawbridges over the estuary between Oakland and Alameda in the San Francisco East Bay.

  6. Nice shot. Those pulleys certainly are eyecatching - I almost missed the rest of the birds!

  7. I like yout photo a lot ;-)

  8. This time of day is so wonderful for taking photos...the yellow stands out and provides a terrific contrast but is not overpowering. I see pigeons and gulls, and notice that gull is "taking charge." Gulls are like that - they take charge and if you've got food in hand, they take over!

    All in all, a very beautiful shot, Francisca. And I'm not "pulleying" your leg!

  9. Yellow is such a wonderful color for machinery. It stands out so well in our (often) gray weather. Nice photo.


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