October 22, 2010

[SKyWatch] Drama

Cavite, 2010

This is another shot out of an airplane. Here I'm flying south from Manila along the coastline of Cavite in the early evening when the sun sets and gives me these fabulous special effects. Another case where bigger really is better.

Linking with SkyWatch Friday where more stunning skies around the globe await you.


  1. Oh, yes, just gorgeous.
    I seldom have a window seat any more, because I am more comfortable on the aisle. But I must try having my camera handy when flying in an 18-seater from our small city over to Calgary, because everyone has a window seat except those in the front row.
    Thanks for our shot of something beautiful today, Francisca. We can always count on you.
    -- K

  2. Spectacular view of the sky from the top. The colors are amazing.

  3. You captured a wonderful photo from a plane. I never get to sit in the window seat. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Dramatic and beautiful skies, Francisca! Wonderful colors! It's exciting to see skies like these from a plane and be able to capture them! Have a great weekend!


  5. It's really nice, Francisca! I love the light boucing off the clouds!

  6. that is a beautiful shot from my home country.

  7. My goodness gracious, that's beautiful!

  8. Spectacular view! I'm always so scared on plane that only thing I can do is sitting still;D
    Have a nice evening:)

  9. Of course it can be dusk or dawn ... and the full moon is out, Francisca!

  10. What a cool looking sky, love the clouds and the light. Awesome capture!

  11. Beautiful! I'm so glad you always have your camera with you. The perfect time of day to fly obviously.

  12. It looks as if it is raining gold at the far end in the shot.
    Beautiful shot. :)

  13. Wow! Glad you had a window seat...and brought your camera along for the ride!

  14. Yes, bigger is fantastic. Happy weekend, Ev

  15. Spectacular! I love airplane photos.

  16. gorgeous colors! this scene reminds me of a sci-fi movie.:p

  17. soooooo beautiful!!!

    cheers from Uruguay

  18. Great photo, and from a plane window! The sky is gorgeous and the colors are amazing.

  19. Wow! Wow! Wow! Yes, three times 'wow', not a stuck keyboard... :-)))

  20. Oh wow! What a gorgeous view! I keep on falling asleep on the flight and forget to look out the window...next time :-D

  21. Talk about getting sharp pictures from a moving vehicle! You did this perfectly. Magnificent. And that, I know from experience, is very difficult to get right!

  22. Wow. That is fantastic. It looks like you were right out there, outside the plane taking it!

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