September 21, 2010

Sadhu in Kathmandu

A sadhu is a Hindu man (and the very occasional woman) who has chosen to forgo the physical pleasures of life in order to further their spiritual discipline to obtain "moksha" (liberation).  This ascetic - or holy man - I met in Durbar Square in Kathmandu willingly posed for my camera.

Kathmandu, 2010

His ochre-colored outfit symbolizes his renunciation. Yet I thought there was enough red here to qualify for Mary's Ruby Tuesday... don't you agree?


  1. Oh yes, agree absolutely. I love the photos. Almost as much as the one of the business-monk with the cellular phone.
    -- Kay

  2. He even waved! He looks very pleased to be in your photos. Did you tell him you would make him famous by posting him on your blog? :)

  3. Oh yes I agree. And he is very much willing to pose for you and wave, such a good heart. But girl, I can't keep up with you, you're in Katmandu for now, hehe! Enjoy and be safe! Happy Monday!
    The cars

  4. He looks rather happy about his moment of fame. He has splendid whiskers.

  5. He's really quite handsome and it's hard to believe he has given up every pleasure ;>) I'm really not trying to be ignorant here, but he does look as if he has bathed and eaten at least -- which I'd consider two physical pleasures. Perhaps it means to give up what's not absolutely necessary?

    Whatever, he is a wonderful and interesting picture -- and there is plenty of red to qualify -- it just pops out!

  6. Certainly enough red. Great cultural image here. I think it would be a horribly boring lifestyle for a dubious result, but maybe he's very happy. Owning things and paying bills is sometimes very unhealthy, too.

  7. I agree as well - thank you for sharing these, fantastic shots!

  8. Not just the reds but every color in these lovely photos is perfect.

    I have always wanted to visit Nepal.

  9. Yes, that is a lot of red! He looks very important and dignified. Is that hand waving or is that a traditional pose?

  10. @Kaori - you are right, he is not waving at me. I can't tell you what the pose means, perhaps a blessing?

  11. Lots of red there for RT. Great photos.

  12. Ah, yes, he certainly qualifies! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

  13. You remember the Nepalis Siamese Twins Ganga and Jamuna. I was very priveleged to see them while they were still

  14. I agree!s0 much red in this ph0to and we're s0 lucky to kn0w a little st0ry about the life of this man,thanks f0r sharing!

  15. I was just thinking how red a lot of things in the photo are. A fantastic shot - what an interesting character.

  16. Amazing pictures for a very hard choice. Enough red for me either.

  17. Great picture! I love it when you can see all the details of the outfit. Like you I have a Canadian passport but have a muulti-ethnic background. You can scroll to the bottom of my homepage to see all the places I have lived. Happy RT!


  18. Hello:)

    Interesting photos.I agree there is enough red.

    To me he looks well dressed in a comfortable out fit and the dress looks very stylish too.He looks well fed and well equipped to move around with his sandals and sturdy walking stick.

    Best wishes:)

  19. Very nice photo, I like
    Pleace looking fotoblog Teuvo images
    and pleace your comments

    Thak you

    Teuvo Vehkalahti


  20. «Louis» agrees - it's red enough for Ruby Tuesday!

  21. Sadhus are amazing! Each one has his own 'style'.

  22. Wonderful and inspired shot Francisca!
    Namaste ;-)


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