September 9, 2010

Let Reason Hold the Reins

Mongolia, 2007

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." - Benjamin Franklin

The prompt this Theme Thursday is reason. And so this wise quote l found lead me to post a befitting photo of Mongolian horsemen in traditional garb galloping to the Naadam Festival in the wilderness of Hovd province.


  1. What a great action image Francisca. I've enjoyed catching up on the photos I've missed since my last visit.
    An English Girl Rambles

  2. So there you are in Mongolia, quoting Benjamin Franklin. My goodness, Francisca, I can barely wrap my brain around the idea. A wonderful stop-action photo and a great quote... thanks for posting both!
    Alberta, Canada

  3. P.S. Old Ben didn't say how tightly the reins should be held. I'll bet there could be a lot of interesting debate on that one :)

  4. I like the photo, Francisca. YOu surely have been to some fascinbating places.

  5. sounds, and looks, reasonable to me!

  6. it is a great balancing act...passion by itself can be rather wild and lead you to places that reason may save you from...happy tt!

  7. Fabulous shot! Love the composition and the motion feeling.

  8. great pic Francisca, and the quote too!!

    happy TT

  9. Is it true they have races against neighboring families, sort of like an initiation for young children? Love the movement in the photo :D

  10. Lovely picture! And of course, you need reason to hold the reins because passion might take it away! Happy TT

  11. I like this blog
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    Teuvo Vehkalahti


  12. This is wonderful...and what I think of when I think of Mongolia. Oh, yes, I also think of yurts. :)

  13. Great image full of movement, these horsemen are the stuff of legends.


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