September 17, 2010

[SkyWatch] The Clouds Roll In

Traffic being the snarl eliciting experience that it often is, I avoid driving to the financial district that is Makati. Yet this week I had a morning meeting there and when I arrived, the skies were a vibrant blue.
 Makati, 2010

By early afternoon, after the meeting was done, the clouds had started to roll in at a considerable clip. I sensed the onset of a tropical downpour and booted safely back home to the suburbs.

I captured these images for SkyWatch Friday and Weekend Reflections. The links will take you to more brilliant skies and reflections around the globe.


  1. Great framing in the second shot and wonderful reflections in the bottom one.

  2. The Sky reflection on the building is an awesome capture.

  3. Wonderful skies and reflections, Francisca. Good timing, too, to miss the tropical storm!!
    -- K

  4. I like clouds, but ours are seldom interesting...

  5. What a soaring great tower - and nice reflections. My favourite is the second shot, peering up through the foliage.

  6. Lovely view of the blue sky along the skyscrapers.

  7. Interesting sequence - from the third photo I can see why you high-tailed it out of there!Dramatic skies, though :-)

  8. Beautiful skies and reflections both! I love those tall buildings.

  9. I like these very much.
    Clean lines. I haven't tried taking shots from below. Looks difficult.
    You're flitting all over the place by the sound of it. Rome one day, Manilla the next.

  10. Wonderful reflections in the last building shot, though I do prefer the puffy little clouds in the blue sky!

  11. That is a good perspective for your skies: the looking up. That is the best way to determine the weather: to look up.

  12. Your photos made me missed my country. Great shots!

    My Sky Watch

  13. i miss Manila! thanks for sharing these. have a lovely wekeend! :)

  14. Beautiful skies, clouds and reflections! Superb captures and composition, Francisca, as always! I do hope you have a great weekend!


  15. Sky reflection on the building was great, I like that one.
    Sky reflection on the building

  16. Those tall and gigantic glass buildings really captured the beautiful clouds. Hehehe, I am Tsinoy, but have not been to the places where you go!

    Feel so nostalgic!

  17. I am loving that lovely reflection of the clouds! It's amazing how the sky changes in such a short time! But it must be really nice to know that the skies will clear up in no time at all :D
    Happy weekend!

  18. Thanks for posting this.I'm originally from the Philippines and I miss my home country terribly.I've been in Makati for gazillion times but I still miss it.

    My SkyWatchFriday

  19. Stunning cityscape! Everytime I go to the Makati business area, I'm always in awe...

    Happy Weekend!
    My Skywatch

  20. i was also in Makati on Wednesday and the sun was bright. i was in greenbelt 5 for about 2 hours and it was already raining when i was about to leave. love your shots.:p

  21. they all look so imposing! felt like am looking up at the skies too. love your photos!

  22. awesome pictures Francisca!! I love no.3

    have a great weekend.


  23. It's beautiful Francesca. I love the reflection on that second photo. Glad to know you're in Manila! Scaly sky

  24. Whoa -I'm getting dizzy of the heights! Great captures!

  25. I like the design of the buildings, but your reflection shot with the clouds is just lovely. Ahh, to be somewhere tropical...

  26. These are so beautiful, I would love to visit someday!

  27. lovely reflection of those clouds!

  28. I like the perspective of these photos!

  29. I love these shots. The architecture of the tall buildings - could at least one be a sort of art deco style?


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