August 24, 2010

Riding a Red Horse

This handsome young man on a red "horse" was dancing to Indian music at a New Delhi trade show I attended in February. His task was to bring to visitors' attention the additional exhibitors housed in tents beside the main venue. He sure got my attention!

New Delhi, 2010

I thought he'd make a splendid offering to Mary's Ruby Tuesday. Don't you? Click the link for more links to REDs.


  1. Splendid. Did his hand make waves like a mock snake?

  2. Got my attention, too! I love how the colors of his turban (is that what you call the head wrap?) and horse match :D

  3. A great shot. If I were there, he would get my attention too.

  4. Great ruby capture. Always looking for that ruby. Happy RT
    My Ruby Link is here for you

  5. When Indians are handsome, they are absolutely gorgeous. For some reason, their genes mix well with Filipinos too. ;)

    Fabulous colors and patterns in his costume. I'm in love with almost everything Indian.

  6. Buongiorno Francisca, many compliments for the splendid picture!

  7. What a fantastic capture, Francisca! No wonder he got your attention.

  8. It is obvious he got your attention ;-) Great RT photo!

  9. Very attractive! ;o)
    Gorgeous reds too!

  10. Stunning color and great detail. I like your sideways crop, too.


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