July 13, 2010

Seeing Red in Nepal

Kathmandu, 2010

In Manila today the weather is gray and wet. The vibrant colors in this street scene in Kathmandu I shot in February brighten my day... 

...and it is my contribution to the meme Ruby Tuesday hosted by Mary. Click on the link to find more links to creative shots of red.


  1. I have always wanted to go to that city and just look at the history there. I understand that it has changed a lot since the 1970's

  2. Red colors always brighten my day. Beautiful shot. MB

  3. Interesting contrasts here from a legendary place.

  4. This is one of my kind of pix for sure. I just love the color combinations and the peaceful feel - also the exotic location!

  5. I love this city! Wonderful capture!

  6. This is another wonderful photograph. I love the solitude of the woman. I keep sending you comments but they never show up.....so today I'll try something different. I enjoy your posts so much every day!

  7. Love the composition and the colors and that woman in the frame makes the whole thing just perfect!


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