July 25, 2010

Replica Bridges

Theme parks generally get the thumbs down from me; just not my cup of tea.

Yet this model of a minority village set in the picturesque province of Guanxi with the karst hills providing a dramatic backdrop was a pretty as well as an informative place to take our company team on our annual outing some years ago. Today I post a couple of views of typical Chinese bridges they replicated for Louis La Vache's meme Sunday Bridges.

 Guanxi, China, 2006

The same foot bridge seen from inside a building:

And another smaller bridge:

Click the link above to get to more links of bridges around the world.

[Click on the photo to see a larger view of it.]


  1. Hello world trotter,

    You put me to shame, being a Chinese, I have not been to China. The dialect I speak is similar to the Kwang Xi dialect. When I spell China places, I spell it in anglo way.

    I must really try to go to my ancestor land some times.

    I got to Louis' site, but not into Linky.

  2. I love the view looking out the window! China has very pretty bridges, I especially like the wooden ones :D

  3. A very interesting blog! Thanks for commenting on mine.

  4. Thank you for this visual treat. Great pics.

  5. Your bridges are amazing, so lovely!
    Best regards from Argentina

  6. By the way... are you from Spain Francisca?

  7. I'm not fond of theme parks either but this one appears to be a bit different from most.

    I like the rustic look of the wooden footbridges.

  8. «Louis» joins the chorus of not being a fan of theme parks, but agrees that this one seems to be exceptional. «Louis» thanks you for your continuing contributions to Sunday Bridges.

  9. What beautiful and interesting photos! I would have loved this place, too.

  10. That's a theme park I would visit!! Great shots!

  11. those hills are stunning and truly dramatic! the bridges are beautiful.

  12. I love your post!
    And it´s a wonderful bridge!
    Best regards from Argentina

  13. Wonderful places! All shots are lovely.

  14. Hi Francisca
    Great shots of the bridges. I love the silhoutee of the distant mountains in the 2nd pic - so pretty. The last 2 look so calm. Lovely - they could be shots from a movie. There is a town in Malaysia called Taiping - there is a zig zag brigde like the one in the first pic - ahh brings back memories for me :). THanks for sharing these.

    ps. thanks for visiting my post - love yr story about cycling in Beijing :)

  15. YOu allways have interesting places.


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