July 28, 2010

Parrot Love

New Delhi, India, 2010

It must be Wednesday... no words needed. 

Spread the love and visit other links to Wordless Wednesday.


  1. what a beautiful pair of lovebirds.

  2. Great lens capture. We do not see them in the wild here. Must be great there. Do they talk?
    My WW link for you

  3. beautiful capture!

  4. So beautiful!

    Sales & Design in Construction...I work for a high end cabinet company! You were close with the doors ;)

    Thanks for stopping by

  5. Absolutely no words needed!

  6. Wow! Great capture.
    Great timing.

  7. The details on Indian architecture is often incredible. But you topped it by capturing the two green birds. :)

  8. I'll use as few word as possible: brava!

  9. Love makes even the world of parrots go round!

    Re your comment on Ocala: I'm going to take your word re how cats taste...you've been all over the world and must know! :-) I've not eaten frogs, either, although frog legs are a specialty in many areas of Florida.

  10. Beautiful composition and colors. Great subject.

  11. smooch smooch smooch,
    Don't turn around,
    Some one is being a paparazzi.

  12. Perfect capture and truly wordless! How sweet!

    I am reading your posts of your travels, you are indeed globe-trotting.

    P.S. Sorry for this late visit, have been attending to my sick cat.

  13. LOL! This is a wonderful and fun capture, Francisca! Perfect!

  14. Great capture, love the colour contrast here. This would be a great photo for my 'in the wild' blog, but unfortunatelly I didn't take any shots of parrots in Dehli... :-)


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