July 20, 2010

A Hit of Red in White

Austria, 2006

So many are feeling the summer's relentless heat, especially on the east side of the USA, so today I thought I'd post a little chill for you.

This garden gnome with his bright red hat I captured on the scenic road from Vienna to Mariazell was well protected from the mounds of white snow.

Here is a bit more of long view:

Again I post for Mary's meme Ruby Tuesday, and clicking on the link gets you to many more who saw red today.


  1. Amidst the unrelenting 95 degree plus heat plus humidity here in central Florida, these photos appear surreal! I especially enjoyed the way you composed that first photo. I should have gnome you earlier! ;-)

  2. thanx so much!! here in italy is so hot!!!
    ciao, Luis

  3. Thanks for visiting me. Lovely photo. A real winter photo. This photo made me cool.

  4. On a hot day like to-day that snow is so appealing

  5. I feel so refreshed!! Love that cute little gnome!

  6. I can't even relate to that drafts poem, but I love it that the art is there.

    It's such fun seeing your image every day. I said it before, but I'm so glad you started the blog!!!

    ~ A Fan

  7. did you live with a champion rower or did you live with a kiwi or both?

  8. Christmas cards! :-) Lovely shots.

  9. Now there's a shot to make everyone chill out.


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